Small Group Instruction in Math: A Balanced Approach
Small groups have a place in our mathematics classrooms. What role do they play? How often, how long, for who, doing what, when? There are so many details to consider, but in this step by step course we will set you up to succeed!
Lesson 1 :Why? Why should we have small group instruction in math?
When? When should we have small group instruction?
DOWNLOAD ME Section 2 : When :Workbook: Vertical Pages
DOWNLOAD ME Section 2: When: Workbook- horizontal pages
Lesson 1: At the unit level
Lesson 2: At the lesson/skill level
Lesson 3: At the formative assessment level
BONUS! Hinge Question Planner
Who? Who should I pull for small group and who should I group them alongside?
DOWNLOAD ME : Section 3: Who? Workbook
Lesson 1: Who
BONUS! Objective Tracker Master Document
When? At what frequency and duration do I pull small groups?
DOWNLOAD ME: Section 4: When (frequency & duration) Workbook
Lesson 1: At what frequency and duration do I pull small groups?
What? What do I do with my small group? The Teacher Station
DOWNLOAD ME: Section 5: What: The Teacher Station WORKBOOK pages
Lesson 1: What do I do with students in my group?
Teacher Notes Small Group
What? What does everyone else do while I'm teaching small group?
DOWNLOAD ME: Section 6: What: What is everyone else doing? WORKBOOK pages vertical
Lesson 1: What is everyone else doing?
BONUS! Small Group Station Planner
How? How do I know if students are being productive when they aren't with me?
DOWNLOAD ME: Section 7: How Workbook
Section7 How-1
Bonus! Partner Bingo
W.I.N.- How do I answer the 5 Why's for students who need intervention or enrichment?
Lesson 1:WIN
Final Summary
Course Wrap Up!
DOWNLOAD ME! Workbook Appendix Resources
Here's What Past Participants Have Said
Kim M
My greatest learning with this course was learning the various approaches for small group (i.e. teacher moving to groups, students being pulled, one on one interviews, etc.) and ways to effectively and efficiently plan activities for when students aren't working in a group. Data collection strategies, and planning approaches.
Kate P
Shannon was INCREDIBLE. This training was well worth my time. I feel like I am much clearer now on how to focus my time in small groups.
As always, I have pages and pagers of takeaways! Thank you so much for always sharing information that makes me excited to try new things! I appreciate that your suggestions are always so "doable".. things I can try right away with materials that I already have!
A Better Way to Use my Time!
In this course, I learned better ways to use time and materials and the 'when' to do small group time. I feel much more relaxed!
Loved It!
Sara G
I loved it because there were things I did not think I had questions on but I did once I saw Shannon present it, and Shannon answered them!